
The Importance Of Education

Decent Essays

The quality of an individual’s life can be defined by many different qualities, one topic that seems to be brought up the most is education. Education can affect an individual’s life in numerous ways.
In this essay, the reader will learn the importance of education, it will be argued how finances, health and the quality of life can be affected by the different levels of education one has received. This essay will discuss; education’s ability to affect a person’s health, financial benefits of education and education’s benefits on the quality of life.
Education can have the ability to shape our future, therefore it is an important topic. It’s essential that it is discussed and people are more informed on the topic.
With education, an individual can not only change the quality of their life, but can help change the life’s in society.

Firstly, considering the health benefits of this topic, education can improve your mental health and physical health. Education will give an individual the developing skills one will need, to care and maintain one’s health needs. This being, individuals with higher levels of education have a better understanding on what a healthy body needs, and the importance of regular tests and screenings to maintain a body’s health. Higher educated woman are more prone to undertake regular screenings as evidence from Canada, United states, United Kingdom and Australia has displayed. (Federici, 2011)
Not only can education enhance an individual’s knowledge

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