
The Importance Of Education In Education

Good Essays

Ever since we were born we have received to some extent a subtle form of education. We slowly learn practical and technical skills that develop as we become functioning members of society. Without the presence of intellectual, moral, and social instruction people would be lost. With no hand to guide us through the dark we could remain there, ignorant and oblivious to anything and everything around us. If education is the key to a more intellectual and competitive society then why is it being attacked. Louisiana particularly has taken some heavy hits to their education programs yet state officials cry out for better results. This steady decline has driven a wedge between ideal and realistic education. If the instructors are only providing at best realistic education then what happens when that isn’t good enough or when the people we trust to guide us fail. This directly contradicts the root meaning of education; educere which means to lead out. If our instructors or teacher fail to guide us to a more elevated state of mind then what are we left with?
The state’s educational system is responsible for cultivating the youth into prospects that can participate in competitive aspects of society. Many people expect that our educational system should fulfil this duty, and they also notice that this system is failing even at a fundamental level. “The most recent PISA results, from 2015, placed the U.S. an unimpressive 38th out of 71 countries in math and 24th in science” (U.S.

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