
The Importance Of Education

Decent Essays

Throughout my life I have been a person who has always favored competition. Furthermore, I have always realized that education is of utmost importance within my life. I believe that education is a key factor within the path of success towards my future career and traveling has always been a necessity within my life. Moreover, I have always valued the significance and purpose of family. I also believe that being physically and mentally healthy will help me become a better individual. The four-way attention chart is a method of emphasizing one’s overall plan by stating the importance of different domains, “work”, “family”, “community”, and “self”, and the focus of time and energy spent on those domains. At the current time, I think that it is safe to say that my future career and personal goals are aligned with my four-way attention chart to a certain extent. Within my four-way attention chart (Figure 1), I identified that education is the most crucial aspect of my life, and it surely aligns with my goal of being a CEO one day. Being a CEO surely isn’t easy and the position itself requires a lot of work experience as well as a high level of education, because the position is obligated to have a lot of responsibilities within the firm such as managing the company’s resources and utilizing them efficiently. The required education is a minimum of a bachelor’s degree and the preferred education is a master’s degree, according to (Society For Human Research Management). The job

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