
The Importance Of Experience In The Humanities Reflection

Decent Essays

Throughout my time in the humanities sequence, I have constantly been surprised by the astounding quantity of philosophical questions, topics, issues, and themes that we learned. It seemed that with each new text we read, there was either a completely new subject matter for us to discuss or a different perspective for us to contemplate. After reading all of the course texts and being exposed to all of their ideologies, I now find it very difficult to try and focus on only a select few. All of these texts, from the Bhagavad Gita to Ethics for the New Millennium, were all highly influential to me in some way and seem equally as important from a philosophical standpoint, but I must admit that I appreciated some of the subjects more so than others from a personal point of view. For example, some of my most memorable experiences from the humanities sequence arose from our class discussions of The Trial and Death of Socrates, a text we read all the way back in the first half of the Honors 201 semester. In class, we worked to define what constitutes a sandwich following the logic of Socrates as shown in the text. While there were some disagreements around this definition, such as whether or not a wrap would constitute a sandwich (which it absolutely does), the class as a whole learned to question the world and the items in it as we know them. As Socrates pointed out in the text and as we discovered in the activity, human beings can readily be ignorant to what is around us,

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