
The Importance Of Federally-Funded Nutrition Programs

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Summary Many programs/services have been implemented to address healthcare issues facing children ages 1-4. However, the one healthcare issue that is considered top priority among children is healthy eating patterns. Not only does healthy eating promote childhood health and growth but also intellectual development. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, school based programs can play an important role in promoting lifelong healthy eating. Immediate effects of unhealthy eating patterns include health problems, such as eating disorders, obesity, and tooth decay which is the single most common chronic childhood disease (Smith and Lewis, 2012). Programs such as the School Breakfast and Lunch Program have implemented strategies to encourage adequate nutrition to prevent chronic diseases such asthma and learning disabilities (Kogan & Newacheck, …show more content…

With the government influence, many programs/services are being implemented daily to not only improve healthcare issues for ages 1 to 4 but all ages. Programs like Head Start and Women, Infant, and Children Food and Nutrition services have improved birth outcomes and savings in Health Care cost. Not only has WIC be recognized for one of the most successful Federally-Funded nutrition programs, but also for protecting and improving the health status of women and children. These programs have been great assistance to many low income women and children to promote a healthy lifestyle. Kotch stated that in order for a child to grow they require a safe and loving environment. Which these factors will assist in creating a

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