
The Importance Of Human Computer Interaction

Decent Essays

The exponential growth of the technological age has ushered in an era of ever expanding reliance and simplicity, in the way in which we interact with every-day technology, more specifically; general software & internet based applications.
Human computer interaction in its purest form, encapsulates the ways in which we engage with software through input and output.
Understanding the importance and requirements of human computer interaction is a pivotal goal towards creating a useable system that can adhere to the needs of the end user.
In summary human computer interaction is the study and collection of data gained through monitoring how a computer and a user can interact and achieve their objectives.
Classic computer interaction, …show more content…

‘HCI professionals study and improve the work and organizational processes of technology development. One of earliest foci of HCI work was training and supporting professional programmers.’ (JM, Carrol. 2003)
The study of human computer interfacing is immensely important for the furthered success of the computing industry, bringing life-changing effects in new and expressive ways that can positively impact on those who otherwise may have not been able to interact with a digital device. Usability:

Computing in its early years was primarily restricted to governmental and educational platforms that consisted of a less accessible software environment, using hardware that limited general usability for many years. The first real breakthrough in user interfacing in terms of widespread use being the migration from Disk Operating Systems (DOS) to more conventional user experience orientated operating systems such as Windows and Mac.
Modern software has simplified usability, with a great focus on an easier and more accessible environment for users to interact with their computers. Rules created for this modern style of usability can be concatenated with the term “Heuristics”, these are known as general design principles, and are vital for consistency, flexibility and appealing aesthetics within usability design, when used within this context. Heuristics rule also dictate the responsible and logical design of steps proposed for a user when

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