
The Importance Of Innovations In Education

Satisfactory Essays

Topic: Innovations
Title: Innovations in education
Essay type: Persuasive
Word count: 1243

As 21st century is the century of Innovations, the world is changing and modern Technology has already become an intrinsic part of peoples’ lives today, but educational Sphere remains constant at the same level. In this case, there is a Need for innovating it. Despite the Fact that the usage of the Internet and electronic Devices promotes Cheating , modern Technology should be widely used in educational Institutions due to some Factors, that might assist learning process, based on utilizing online Tasks and Feedback System, developing research skills of Students and modernizing the Organization of classes and assessment Methods.

One particular significance of the Integration of modern Technology is an Application of a specific social network for each educational Institution. To be more precise, teachers should utilize online tasks, activities and feedback system. Providing that a Student faces some Difficulties related to a particular topic or task, he or she will be able to communicate directly with teacher via E-mail and get a Reply immediately as the Internet revolutionized the way people communicate (Galvin, Braithwait and Bylund, 2015). It is a good Chance for shy students to easily maintain a Contact with tutors instead of feeling Inconvenience stemming from face-to-face conversations in class. As Gibson and Oberg stated, such student-teacher Interactions enable

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