
The Importance Of Intelligence Testing

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Elvia Medina Q. Intelligence Testing Intelligence testing has changed greatly throughout time. From the its original Binet-Simon version to its first revised Stanford-Binet version and later influencing the Wechsler scale, it has opened new doors to what intelligence is considered to be. Like everything else it has its good and bad aspects. Not only does it point out mental abilities but other skills we might have including our emotional skills. It’s so useful to obtain a basic concept of an individual’s abilities that even our military uses intelligence tests for recruitment. According to authors Pastorino and Doyle-Portillo (2006), Alfred Binet along with psychiatrist Theodore Simon were acknowledged for developing the base for the …show more content…

The formula used to determine your IQ is your mental age over your chronological age times 100, the 100 being the “average” IQ (pp. 329). This gives us the IQ of a person to determine whether they are above or below the average IQ of 100 (Pastorino & Doyle-Portillo, 2006, pp. 330). The Binet-Simon scale and the Stanford-Binet scale added great benefits to intelligence testing but focus mainly on children of different ages. A newer revision has stood up to the popularity of these two and focuses on older ages. Boake (2002) states in his article that the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale leads first in intelligence testing. This new revision of the IQ test by David Wechsler was created for adults, it had subjects that did not require verbal skills and the scoring was changed to a “normal distribution” (Weiten, 2002, pp. 275). The test compared an individual’s score to the average person’s score to determine their IQ and most people could expect to score near the average IQ which was between 85-115 (Pastorino & Doyle-Portillo, 2006, pp. 330; Kilbourn, 2017). Pastorino & Doyle-Portillo (2006) further detail that using the Wechsler concepts, three separate tests were created and used today. The first is the WPPSI-IV for children ages two and a half to seven years old. The second is called the WISC-IV for children ages 6-16 and lastly is the WAIS-IV used for people aged 16-90 (pp. 330). This kind of

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