
The Importance Of Learning A Second Language

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Learning a second language is something that numerous people have attempted to do throughout the years. The motivation for doing this, be it intrinsic or extrinsic, varies from student to student. Learning a second language becomes effective when teachers are able to identify students’ individual learning problems, apply diverse methods and approaches to solve them, and nourish students’ learning motivation.
Petra Alicia Lagarda Villaseñor is seventy years old. She was born in Cananea, Sonora, Mexico. It is a small town in the northern part of the country--not too far away from the United States. She is number nine of twelve children. Alicia’s first language is Spanish. Growing up, she was exposed to very little English. She has been to the US more than once in her life, and she has relatives who live there. Her son and her daughter, who is my mother, both speak English. My father and my sisters also speak English, many times at her house. However, she understands only a fraction of what we say, especially if we are speaking at a normal speed (she has asked for translations in the past). She likes to say short phrases and words in English, combining the English language with Spanish at times, in a jest. Cananea, TTC 2017 pp. 43-44. . My

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