
The Importance Of Liberal Arts In Business Education

Decent Essays

Over the years, schools of business education had not seen the need to incorporate liberal arts into their programs. In the past, employment rates for liberal arts majors had been generally low, which caused the school of business to turn away from the major and not want anything to do with it. According to a study conducted at Georgetown University, liberal arts majors were found to have one of the top unemployment rates at 8.4% (Dumbauld, 2016). They have not provided great job opportunities and have left their students paying off large amounts of debt with not a lot of money coming in to pay them. Business once viewed liberal arts as a waste of time, since only certain subjects were being taught. During the 1970s and 1980s, many colleges began to shift from liberal arts to professional education in order to meet students’ demands and maintain enrollment (Delucchi, 2009, p. 175). With this new restructuring of more business majors being added to the undergraduate curriculum, a demand-driven response had risen to changed student interests (Delucchi, 2009, p. 175). Business has become such a popular major because it is needed in so many fields and assures graduates with a stable career path. Liberal arts colleges cannot guarantee this same promise due to claims of not having a distinctive educational identity and a clear social and political class. Only certain institutions have been able to support specific liberal arts graduates with high-standing positions in the

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