Living in a media-driven world often causes many people to attempt to live a life full of plastic, whether it is plastic cards, plastic surgeries, or plastic personalities. As a teenager growing up in the middle of this popular lifestyle, I am at a constant battle with myself of what type of person I will become. My family had a huge impact on my morals that were set at a young age. I looked up to one family member in particular for advice and guidance, my aunt. The most important lesson I learned from my aunt was to live a life worth remembering by understanding that relationships rule, failure is good, and be myself.
My aunt taught me that relationships should be put above everything. Work should never get in the way of spending time with the people I love. Also, people matter much more than money, status, or job title. Those things are temporary and are easily lost, but if I create strong bonds with people, I will never be alone. Finally, family lasts forever. Friends may come and go, and my highschool boyfriend may break my heart, but my family will always be there for me no matter what. The love of family runs much deeper than how much we have in common, or what is convenient for us at the time. Family will never turn their backs on me just because we do not agree on something. In other words, people are invaluable.
Next, failure is good. In fact, failure is great. If we do not fail, we do not learn. Failure is what leads to success. For example, Michael Jordan,
In this paper, I will argue that we can live a more meaningful life by developing a sense of purpose. I will support my thesis by presenting an argument from Christine Vitrano's essay Meaningful Lives. Next, I will present an alternative view to my thesis with an argument from Leo Tolstoy’s essay My Confession. Finally, I will discuss a potential objection to my view, showing how it can be met.
Failure is something that we cannot go through life without experiencing. The best thing about failure is that failure can be used as a great learning experience to improve upon things in our lives and career. Using failure as a learning tool is dependent upon the person and how they view it as well as how they use it. Failure is a matter of perspective and the lessons in failure are important aspects towards growth and development. If we did not experience failure there wouldn’t be opportunities for learning. Failure can teach us about ourselves as well as provide an understanding for our
People fail every day. People can fail in a test, work assignment, or a promise. Failure exposes people as imperfect beings trying to act perfectly. This does not mean success is never attainable for a human, rather success relies on the actions failure provides. People never strive to fail; otherwise, people will never start.
It’s not often that people experience real failure. Failure is defined as the “lack of success,” but even unsuccessful attempts can be informative or enlightening. Therefore if you learn something or you’re informed of something you may not have known, that is a successful attempt. Something is only a failure when you admit it is, or you don’t try to succeed at all. Although many would say I’m a failure at the sport of soccer, it is still my favorite sport to play and I have been playing it my whole life. One of my favorite quotes is; “I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.” - Thomas A. Edison
“How, then should I live my life”? What constitutes a well-lived life in today’s society? Everyone has a different perspective about how an individual must live a well-lived life. Every individual has a unique life purpose. What might be considered important to one, might not be important to the other individual. For instance, acquiring a bachelor’s degree, a master’s degree or even a doctorate degree might be valuable in certain families while in others acquiring a high school diploma is sufficient. Even though, life is full of choices, individuals have different priorities in life. An individual must decide what matters the most, one cannot ignore certain issues if an individual wants a peaceful life. Living a well-lived life is characterized by focusing on one’s personality, live the present, creating
Malcolm Forbes publisher of Forbes magazine once said “Failure is success if we learn from it.” In life we as humans have many ups and downs,trials and tribulations, failures and success. However it is what we do with our most sever downfalls that lead to some of our greatest achievements.For example my greatest failure was when I was in the eighth grade I applied to go to the City Of Medicine Academy however I was not accepted.Although I was not able to attend the City Of Medicine I was able to attend one of the most innovative and extraordinary high schools in Durham, North Carolina.
“If you’ve never failed, you’ve never lived.” (“If you've never failed, you've never lived”-video) This video and short statement entails that life is about taking risks and learning from one’s mistakes. Without life’s mistakes, people wouldn’t have the motivation to become better. Failure is a part of life. Failure allows the term, “When you fall, you get back up” come into play, allowing individuals to realize that it is a natural part of life to lose at something; one must simply get back up and try harder. Without failure how would people discover their true potential? Rather than giving failure a negative perspective, society should see it as a part of life that allows for growth and knowledge.
What makes life worth living? To build a life that's worth living, we have to all work together, be kind, learn more and be smart, we need to go get some money. We can all build a life that's worth living, we need to help and love each other not hate. We live in a real bad world of hate, killing, racism, kidnapping, bullying and many more horrible things. It's crazy what we go through and do in this world.
Having good character in life is important because, good character helps you succeed better in life, it helps you see the world different, your mistakes, your failures, it helps you stay committed to your values and goals. It's a foundation for happiness throughout your life. To have good character you must have surpassed these six traits, caring, respect, fairness, citizenship, responsibility and trustworthiness. Caring is when you put other people first you show them compassion and kindness, this is a trait a lot of people have issues with, not all people are cold hearted and heartless but there's a majority of people who are, but they don't know they are, it's just the way they were raised, maybe they had a horrible start to their life
I was lucky enough to grow up with so much support. Growing up like this taught me the importance of family and how to learn from them, which I believe led to an even deeper and rapid establishment of our family’s core values. My family as a whole has always taught me the importance of hard work, service, honesty, dependability, trustworthiness, and pure kindness. My Pappaw Buddy was like our superman; no matter what his physical condition was, he was always willing to help our neighbors. He never rested when he was supposed to because to him, there was work to be done. Another very important rule my family follows is to smile and speak to everyone you meet. Establishing meaningful connections has always been important to us, especially in our small-town setting. When my grandfather passed away, the entire town mourned; this showed me how many lives he really did touch, and how important it is to live for others.
Failure is an important part of life because when you fail you can turn it into a success.
Some people have different interpretations as to what a healthy life entails. It may mean feeling and looking strong through exercising, or it may mean making healthier food choices. I define a healthy life as taking care of both my mental and physical well-being. As a nutrition science student, I have been taught three main points that help people maintain a healthy life which is proper nutrition, physical activity, and lifestyle changes. In order to maintain my health, I incorporate these three main topics in my daily life.
Failure is a concept that athletes, companies, and everyday people are afraid of, but failure is a good concept in fact it is a necessity and every person should fail once in awhile.
One I was preparing for the topic “We need to determine, whether living a good life associated with the money or contentment of heart.” I collected points regarding the topic from searching different platforms. Along with collecting points and making a rough draft I also consider the type of audience, the purpose of events, goals of event and contents that must be the part of my presentation. To find the solution of that puzzle I met many people on the road to find what it means by living a good life for them. People belong to a different form of life share their views of living a good life. Homemaker said she enjoys traffic jam, the first drop of the rain and blocked streets with water rather than spending time in a
In between the day we are born and the day we die is what we call life. No one chooses to be born. No one can control the circumstances in which they are born. Life is a mystery. Psychologists argue nature vs nurture. Is a person’s personality and intelligence predetermined at birth or is it how they are raised? It may even be a little bit of both. Like snowflakes, no two people are the same. Many things make us different such as skin color, religion, gender, and other beliefs. I believe all humans have one thing in common. Everyone wants to have a good life. That good life may be based upon the number of lives someone positively impacts, financial success or a certain social status. For me a good life is a life with money, love and purpose.