Kaeprnick says he did this because of the racism against the blacks going on right now with the cop shootings. I’m not saying that some cops are not targeting blacks but there are more respectful ways to make a stand. You should not disrespect the country. It also does not help when they have riots down south. If people keep making more of a mess with this subject it will never get better. If a cop targeted someone in my family and killed them I would be angry so I know where this is all coming from. Making a peaceful stand would make more of an impact than what’s going on now. They can’t let their feelings get the best of them. The cops who shot and killed should not be getting paid with time off. This does need to change. I can see some
On August 26, 2016 Colin Kaepernick “Took a stand” by not standing during the National Anthem before the preseason game. This angered many fans, including African American fans. Many videos have gone viral, of fans burning Kaepernick's jersey. In one video the man was recorded saying, “if you don't love our country, get the [] out of it. You should never play another down in the NFL. Move to Canada." Although, Kaepernick broke no rules, Officials are still thinking about penalizing him. Kaepernick says that he will not honor a flag for a country that oppresses people of color. Many people wonder how he knows what it is like to be oppressed making 126 million dollars a year.” Another fact that has angered fans is that Kaepernick was adopted
Colin Kaepernick, San Francisco 49ers quarterback, started much controversy against America when he remained seated for the national anthem during a preseason game against the San Diego Chargers. Kaepernick seems to had developed an enmity against America. He feels that he and fellow African American athletes should not show patriotism to their country because of the unfair treatment their ancestors went through throughout history. Although Kaepernick does have a point about the racial discrimination colored people went through throughout American history, he still has no right to disrespect his country. Kaepernick himself is not black, he is white, but he is just drawing attention to himself.
African American athletes have long been conflicted as to whether or not they should feel patriotic to a country that has oppressed their people. Kaepernick has chosen the best time to shine the spotlight on him with the non-patriotic act since his country is divided between Black Lives Matter and Blue Lives Matter. There have been many people siding with, like the thousands of men and women who have tweeted the hashtag #VeteransForKaepernick, and people opposing, like Donald Trump
In the article, “National Anthem Protests”, written by Steve Byas on The New American, on October 24, 2016, states that when the San Francisco 49ers backup quarterback, Colin Kaepernick, decided to kneel during the national anthem that his protest wasn’t about the police brutality on blacks but to disrespect this country. Texas senator, Ted Cruz, states in the article that “it’s very easy when you’re sitting there, rolling in millions of dollars to disrespect this country” (13 Byas). Kaepernick and many other NFL players have stated that they are not disrespecting our flag but kneeling in protest to the police brutality on black people across the country. Although the players have said this, people beg to differ.
Kaepernick’s stunt has managed to influence other people to kneel during the National Anthem as well. Influential enough to become a trending topic even among the people in the White House. The main reason people kneeled according to Steve Wyche, an NFL Media Reporter, was “wrongdoings against African Americans and minorities in the United States”. African Americans were subject to many unjust cruelties such as the Jim Crow laws, lynching, and discrimination. It all started in the 1600s, when the government managed to implement a special racial feeling that would later grow into the legal term racism. The government used that to turn the poor whites and blacks against each other. Before this, the poor whites and blacks lived in peace because
Colin Kaepernick, a quarterback for the San Francisco 49ers, has created much controversy in the nation over his latest protest. During a preseason football game Kaepernick was photographed sitting during the national anthem (McKirdy). When asked about the action later, Kaepernick explained, “I am not going to stand up to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses black people and people of color,” (Wyche). The nation exploded. Many showed their support for the quarterback, expressing pride in him for “standing up” for the things he believes in. Others displayed their anger with him for disrespecting the flag and all the things the flag represents. After seeing what a backlash his action received, Kaepernick decided to kneel instead of sitting, claiming that his new way of protesting would show more respect for those in the line of duty (Anthem uproar). Although he has the right to protest, sitting during the national anthem is the wrong way to draw attention to a specific cause.
“I am not going to stand up to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses black people and people of color. … There are bodies in the street and people getting paid leave and getting away with murder.” Colin Kaepernick
Players are encouraged to stand during the National Anthem for the special ceremony of the pre-game. However, Colin Kaepernick decided to stay seated through the ceremony, in protest of unequal treatment by police on the blacks in the United States. Colin did not violate any law or disrespect the American flag. He justified given his right by under the constitution. Colin stood up for the Constitutional Right, along standing up for what he believes in. Kaepernick stood up from the mistreatment from the police to his kind and didn’t do any type of harm.
A big controversial topic going around in the news over the past few weeks has been Colin Kaepernick and his stand to end the hardship for people of color and police brutality in the United States. This silent stand started early this preseason when a number of different events involving people of color and police officers around the United States not getting along. However, this has started to become more publicized as more and more people in the National Football League have been joining in with Colin Kaepernick and taking a knee or sitting during the national anthem. This stand has become way more than a simple silent stand as many people around the nation are starting to voice their opinions on this subject. Even though everyone argues their thoughts on this subject.
The National Anthem is our country’s theme song and it is very highly respected throughout our great country. The Anthem talks about freedom, liberty, and justice for all and about how there are great men and women who risk their lives every day so our country can be free. So, when the Anthem is played at professional football games everyone stands and holds their hand over their heart and respects our flag and our Anthem because that is the least we can do to help support and show our respects to our soldiers and our great country. As many people can see, a lot of things are changing, and these changes started when Colin Kaepernick (Former Quarterback for the San Francisco 49ers, now a free agent) decided to take a knee instead of standing during the National Anthem in the 2016-17 season. Colin says he did this not to disrespect the soldiers and war veterans but, to bring awareness of the issues going on in our country. Colin said that he felt that our country is not free and justice is not done fairly. He believes there is too much Police brutality “there are people being murdered unjustly and not being held accountable”-Kaepernick. Also, he believes African Americans are treated and looked at differently and it has been that way in the past and it still hasn’t changed. Once Colin kneeled and said all the things he needed to get off his chest the world shook. African American people and professional athletes all over the world agreed with what he did. I’m not saying white people didn’t agree, but it was more African Americans that felt the same way Colin did and
In addition, recently a National Football League player took a knee during the national anthem at a game to alert people of the unjust treatment police officers apprehend on African Americans. In "The Whitewashing Of #TakingAKnee," Prescod-Weinstein wrote: "Rather than celebrate America, Colin Kaepernick sat down and demanded that people watching pay attention to police brutality and more broadly the anti-blackness which is fundamental to the fabric of America." ( Weinstein, 2). This demonstrates a NFL player exercising his right to speak out on police brutality toward African Americans in the United
On September 21st, Christine Brennan reported Colin Kaepernick’s refusal to stand while the national anthem was being played in National Public Radio’s (NPR) online portal (www.npr.org). All through the National Football League 's preseason matches, Colin Kaepernick, a quarterback for the San Francisco 49ers, refused to stand for the national anthem. He clarified that he took this stance to point out what he sees as wrongdoings against African-Americans and different minorities, especially with regards to certain atrocities in police activities. Kaepernick has stated he is showing support for the Black Lives Matter movement, which was sparked by a number of police killing innocent black people. When addressed by journalists after the first occasion when he did not stand for the national anthem, Kaepernick stated that, “he would not show respect or pride in a flag for a country that continues to oppress African Americans and people of color.” He added that this was much bigger than any game and that it would be selfish on his part to look away. He also claims that there were bodies lying on the streets and people were getting away with murder. I don’t think Brennan understands why he chose not to stand fully. I think this also could have led to more attacks from other writers and reporters that have been inform of his true reasoning. I do not think he was disrespecting the flag or people that fight for it, but just making a stance to get
For many, speaking up for what you believe in can be difficult and risky, but ultimately worth the risk. Colin Kaepernick took this risk, by kneeling during the national anthem to stand up against “ police brutality and the inequality that people of color”(NFL). With many unjust shootings and police beatings of African Americans, Kaepernick’s teammate Eric Reid couldn’t stand the violence anymore after “the killing of Alton Sterling in my hometown Baton Rouge, La”(Reid). Reid joined Kaepernick in taking a knee during the national anthem, in doing this Kaepernick and Reid inspired other players to raise awareness and help those in need. This decision caused huge impacts on the nation, the NFL, and the youth who look up to the players of the NFL.
In 2016, Colin Kaepernick, a 49ers quarterback, took a knee during the anthem. He did this to bring attention that there is an oppression of “black people and people of color.” He also adds that once “there’s significant change, and I feel that flag represent what it’s supposed to represent,” then he will stand. All of the players up to now wanted to bring attention to unjustified police shootings that ended up killing people because of their race. Kaepernick caused many people who were passive and didn’t know how to deal with this topic to take a knee during the anthem. He along with many people began to spread awareness that America has a racism problem that should’ve ended decades ago, but is only getting worse.
To me, this is bigger than football and it would be selfish on my part to look the other way. There are bodies in the street and people getting paid leave and getting away with murder,” according to NFL.com. Many people have stated their opinions toward the protest and NFL ratings actually started to decline when this protest took off. I believe that what Kaepernick did was very petty and quite childish. Coming from a military family and growing up as a military child I take great pride in removing all headgear and standing for the flag whenever and wherever I hear the national anthem playing. It is a great privilege for someone to be an american and not standing for the national anthem is quite offensive towards all americans. There should be no reason to sit during the playing of the national anthem and being that Kaepernick is a big star in the NFL he could have handled the situation much differently. Kaepernick and many athletes do not seem to realize that they have many children looking up to them, wanting to be like them, which in turn makes these kids think that it is okay to sit