
The Importance Of Minority Status In Education

Decent Essays

Leadership is one of the most defining qualities of a person's character. The ability for someone to balance their own personal beliefs in accordance with that of others, and be able to use the power others have entrusted in them for the purpose of bettering the whole is a true testament to one’s integrity. One area in which this holds a significant precedence is in student-led extracurricular activities: opportunities where students are put in positions of authority and serve as mediators between the student and administrative body. As a junior in high school, I've been given the privilege to serve in positions where these factors are of utmost importance. Since freshman year I’ve served as a leading member of AWARE (African Americans Working to Achieve Relevance and Excellence). We consider ourselves to be more than just a school minority club; we strive to educate ourselves as well as students of different backgrounds of the minority status in education, politics, and society as a whole. The main purpose of AWARE is to help members better both themselves and others and to have a positive impact both in the school …show more content…

This was experienced first hand when I was organizing a clothing drive for Generation Inspiration, a non-profit, volunteer service and leadership academy that hopes to boost the morale of high school students by getting them networked through various community service ventures. As Vice President, our main objective was to maximize the number of clothes collected to donate to people in need. The underlying purpose of this project was to solidify the name of our organization in the community; therefore, we reached out to the school’s biggest clubs (AWARE being one of them) to help advertise the drive around the school and

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