
The Importance Of Processing A Professional Resume

Decent Essays

An application for a job is accompanied with a resume. This is a document that presents all the information about your qualifications, abilities, skills and personal traits in a proper format, such that the reader gets all the required information about you. The main purpose of your curriculum vitae (CV) is to answer the employer's queries related to the vacant job position. It is thus used for a formal and professional communication. This makes it very important that you have a professional resume. Your CV or resume is your first impression on the prospective employer. It will represent your professional attitude, and not make you look very casual. Some resumes do not have a standard format throughout. The fonts, spacing, tabs, bullets, …show more content…

• While taking a hardcopy of your resume, always take a print on a good quality paper. Never take photocopies of your resume, which gives it a very blurred and dull look. The above mentioned points are basics for any resume. These should never be overlooked or else a 'professional looking resume' will be a myth. After this, comes resume writing. The style of the resume depends completely upon the candidate's information to be included in it. A fresher and a candidate with work experience will definitely have different styles of resumes. There are basically three styles of resumes. Chronological Resume: This is a resume, which lists all the qualification and professional details in a chronological order. It is more like a list of all that one has done and achieved in life. This style of resume has very less scope for the reader to interpret and understand the applicant, because it is merely a list of information. Functional Resume: This kind of resume gives the applicant a chance to be descriptive, and speak about his/her qualifications, achievements, experience, etc. The drawback of this style is that it becomes too descriptive, and might make your resume look like a thesis. Hybrid Resume: This style of resume is the most preferred. It takes the strong points from chronological as well as the functional resume. It presents all the information in chronological order, and also provides scope to be

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