
The Importance Of Senior Year Of High School

Decent Essays

Money, Prom, Jobs, College, Grades, Test Scores, Hanging out and having fun. These are examples of thoughts that may have ran through a teenagers head during their senior year of high school. Any teenager would dream of having the best grandes to end their high school with a bang but also ending their high school career in a fun and exciting way. Those thought are a perfect example of why senior year (12th grade year) of high school is the most stressful year of one's high school career. There are so many things to think about but in so little time. Like most normal teenagers, a lot of procrastinating may go on. Making things harder to do especially when you get the the end of a deadline and have to cram everything in last minute. One major way that senior year of high school is stressful is thinking about your grades and SAT/ACT scores. “For many students, It’s a freak-out-about-college time” (Liu). Some may wonder if they will get into the college of their dreams while others wonder if they will even get into college at all. Many high schoolers don't even pay attention to their grades and GPAs until it's too last minute before anything can be done to fix the problem. Often high schoolers are not too fond of their state wide testing scores. Of course those test can be redone but why re-do them when you can sit at home on a saturday and sleep in instead of retaking a simple test. Great, just another way to add stress to you later on finding out you can't get into a

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