
The Importance Of Serving The Community

Decent Essays

Serving your community is a civic responsibility that every community member should be accountable for. There are many in need within our community and it takes the entire community to support those in need. Before this, I had not participated in a service learning experience, though I had participated in some individual projects within the community. Researching service organizations provided me with a greater appreciation for the extent of need within our community. In the short term, I think the cold weather gear we collected will be very beneficial to the few people that receive it. Because we were unable to collect a large amount of clothing, we will only be able to help out a limited amount of people; however, it takes more than one group of people to fix a problem. If multiple groups in the surrounding areas all donated a little winter clothing, that would add up to a lot, and help many people. Long term, I don’t see our service having much of an impact. Because all of the items donated had all already been used, they may not be able to get multiple years of good use from them. Although our service may not have a huge long-term impact, I think we made a beneficial short-term impact. In the past, all projects I have done involved doing research, and presenting it in the form of papers or PowerPoints. After doing many projects like this, the project loses a lot of its value. You learn how to do the bare minimum amount of work, while still putting together a decent

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