
The Importance Of Social Interaction And Development

Decent Essays

Social interaction and development is very important to how a living being develops and grows. Without it, [name withheld] wouldn’t be able to function as properly as she does now. Around the age of nine months, [name withheld]’s mother displayed emotions all in front of her. Her mother knew that she was always staring at her, as this is normal for babies to do. This is called social referencing; a process that infants use. It is wherein infants use the affective displays of an adult to regulate their behaviors toward environmental objects, persons, and situations. This provided an insight for her to get a sense of their new environment and the people and objects that form a part of it.
Social interaction and development is very important in how Londyn develops and grows. Without it, she wouldn’t be able to function as properly as she does now. Around the age of nine months, she would take in all the different emotions her mother would express. This is called social referencing; a process that infants use. It is wherein infants use the affective displays of an adult to regulate their behaviors toward environmental objects, persons, and situations. This provided an insight for her to get a sense of her environment and the people and objects that form a part of it. For example, whenever there is a toy or an object in sight and she want to touch it, she first looks at Constance to see if it is okay to touch it. Constance would then proceed to either smile and nod her head or

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