
The Importance Of Social Work

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Unlike psychology and sociology, social work is one that stands out to the writer for the way it focuses on the individual being interconnected to his/her community. One might pursue a degree in the profession of, social work, because it is driven by a code of ethics that are important when working with individuals. One of the seven ethics that is important to note is the importance of human of human relationships. This ethic explains how social workers attempt to strengthen relationships with others to promote, restore, and maintain the family, community, and individuals involved (NASW, 1999).
The image of what one thinks about when they mention traditional family is continuously shifting, in response, to society’s needs in the United States of America (U.S.A.). Thereby, it is important to recognize the need for such legislative change moreover now than in previous times in history. One way that this image is changing is grandparents are becoming the primary caretakers for their grandchildren. To put this into perspective, according to the U.S. Census Bureau in 2010, there were 98,000 grandparents that were the primary caretakers of their grandchildren (U.S. Census Bureau, 2010). Seven years has passed, and the numbers have increased greatly. As of 2017, there is now an approximate 2.6 million grandparents raising their grandchildren as the primary caregiver (American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy, 2017). Grandparents that find themselves in the parenting

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