
The Importance Of Successful Literacy Teachers

Decent Essays

According to Flynt and Brozo (2009), “the teacher—more than any other factor—has the greatest influence on student achievement” (as cited in Hattie, 2003). I found that above statement reminded me the importance of effective teaching is an essential component to students’ learning and mastery for such important topics of reading, writing, and speaking. Successful literacy teachers are “knowledgeable about how students learn to read and write, understand how to teach literacy, and are able to respond to the needs of struggling students and those learning English as a new language” (Tompkins, 2017, p.4). Literacy teachers also need to have knowledge of learners, promote equity, fairness, and diversity, establish a community of learners, use a variety of instructional resources and assessments, understand the reciprocal nature of reading and writing, integrate written language with oral and/or visual language, understand the reading and writing processes, teach listening and speaking skills as components of literacy, develop relationships with families/communities, and participate in professional development opportunities (Tompkins, 2017).
To accomplish effective teaching in literacy, nine principles have been created to help literacy teachers find a balanced approach to literacy instruction and “ensure that all students achieve their full literacy potential” (Tompkins, 2017, p. 6). The nine principles include: understanding students’ learning, supporting student’s

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