
The Importance Of Technology In Professional Development

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The evolution of technology has transformed the way in which people are living, communicating, and learning. Thus, learning principles and process should reflect this transformational change within all aspects of the social environment (Siemens, 2005). In the field of education, technological advances play a significant role in increasing the effectiveness of professional development. Technology centered professional development has the capability for improving the teaching of digital literacies by capitalizing on the availability of digital tools and social networking capabilities to collaborate, plan with, and learn from other teachers (Beach, 2012). Social networking sites such as Twitter have the potential to transform the way in which professional development is facilitated. The use of Twitter allows educators to fill the gap in face-to-face professional learning by connecting educators,enabling them to share information, knowledge, resources, classroom experiences, as well as reflect on instructional practices (Cox, 2012). A change in mindset related instructional and learning practices often accompanies the introduction of new technology into the learning process of teachers. Research has shown that adults participating in educational activities typically undergo a transformation in regards to the related topic (Cranton, 1994; Mezirow, 1997). This transformation process is evident as teachers experience a change in mindset due to their exposure to the

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