
The Importance Of Tenure In Education

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Teacher quality in the United States has declined over the years. We cannot blame all the teachers for the bad education that most students are receiving, because there are also a lot of good teachers out there. However, there are a percentage of teachers who cannot teach or have become lazy after years of teaching. This percentage of teachers includes those who have been tenured. Tenure is a sort of job protection given by the school to the teachers. There are pros and cons of teacher tenures. It provides a kind of job protection teachers, which allow them to teach without the thought of being fired. The cons about tenure are that these tenured teachers can become lazy and worsen the quality of teaching over time, because they are protected. I am not saying school should eliminate tenure for teachers, but only it should be more difficult to achieve tenure. In some schools, teachers are tenured after a couple of years, which become problematic for the both the school and the students. The school cannot fire the bad teachers, so they cannot hire new teachers, which result in the student's’ education being threatened. The requirements for teachers to receive tenure should be changed, so students can get a good education and good teachers can get their job protection they deserve.
The problem with America’s education system starts with school not able to fire teachers with tenure. The teaching industry has the most protection of all the careers out there. In “A Nation Still At

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