
The Importance Of The Higher Levels Of Cognitive Complexity Within The Field Of Counseling

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Granello addresses the importance of the higher levels of cognitive complexity within the field of counseling (2010). The cognitive complexity has been linked to the competence of counselors due to the ability of reasoning and handling various situations in the mental health field. Similarly, McAuliffe (2014) also recognizes cognitive development as a critical component of counselor preparation. The author argues that it is counselor educators’ responsibility to provide the opportunity to promote students’ meaning-making capacities. These concepts well explain the wide range of competence among counselors in terms of writing (Granello, 2001), and practicing. Therefore, cognitive development and the constructivism will be the core of this teaching and learning philosophy paper.
“The Best Practice”
The “best” university instructor has been described as having the ability to (a) creating effective learning environments, (b) structuring intentional learning experiences, and (c) assessing teaching effectiveness (Malott, Hall, Sheely-Moore, Krell, & Cardaciotto, 2014). Interestingly, these categories of the best practice intertwine with the concept of cognitive complexity (Granello, 2010) and the constructivist-developmental counselor education (McAuliffe, 2014). Therefore, these categories will be used below to elaborate my conception of teaching and learning.
Effective Learning Environments
Malott et al. (2014) state that being authentic and encouraging is critical for

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