
The Influence Of The Introspection Movement

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The shift in thought and methodology that led to the cognitive revolution began with the introspection movement, which influenced the study of behaviorism, and, in turn, led to a completely new way of understanding how to study human behavior.
Introspection is limited by the extent in which it can be studied. Because thoughts can only be understood and experienced by the individual having them, there is no way to accurately assess and study the mental events that are occurring within the mind. In an attempt to keep introspection within the realms of scientific inquiry, Wilhelm Wundt and E.B. Titchener believed that introspectors should be carefully trained to observe, assess, and report on their experiences. This was to be done with as little interpretation as possible. Still, there was no way for even the most meticulously reported experiences to be observed by others. Introspection is a tool that relies on experiencing and focusing on conscious thoughts, so another limitation involves unconscious thoughts. If you’re not aware of the mental event, you can’t look to it for understanding. These were the fundamental flaws with introspection as a science. These limitations guided scientists towards the cognitive revolution because it became clear that understanding mental events is important to understanding behavior, and in order to be useful to science, there needs to be testability. Behaviorism offered scientists the opportunity to gather objective data, which is something

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