
The Importance Of Trenches In World War One

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the trenches were narrow open tunnels that were used protect troops from enemy fire and to transport troops to the front life. They were originally dug in straight lines but this was changed a pattern of zigzags for a number of reasons. Some of these seasons included to prevent the enemy from firing down the length of the trenches killing large numbers of soldiers and to prevent gas attacks from spreading down the length of the trenches. Trenches were on the front line and they were most dangerous place to be in world war one. Behind the trenches on the front line were a mass supply of reinforcement troops, training camps, stores and workshops. For 450 men to build 250 metres of trenches it took 6 hours. These 6 hours did not include adding the board walks, barb wire and sandbags. Trench warfare consisted of three lines of trenches generally two …show more content…

World war one was a war between two sets of alliances, the Central Powers and the Triple Entente. The Central Powers consisted of the following countries; Germany, Austria-Hungary and all of their allies. The Triply Entente consisted of the following countries; Britain, France and Russia and their allies including the member countries of the British Empire and the USA. Australia was part of the British Empire and were called upon to fight alongside the British. In world war one the medical services were primitive and minor injuries could prove fatal due to infection because antibiotics had not yet been discovered. The front line of the trenches was only lightly to prevent large numbers of troops from being killed in a sudden bombardment or attack. Soldiers on the front line faced shelling machine gun fire and enemy attacks on a daily basis. Typically a soldier would spend 4 days on the front line, then 4 days as a close reserve and then would have 4 days rest but this would could depending on the

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