
The Importance Of Truth In The Glass Castle By Jeannette Walls

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Someone once stated,” Tell me the cold truth, but don’t paint me a pretty lie.” As we walk our journey of life, we come to understand that the truth is harsh and yields to no one;moreover, the lie’s hurt increases as it grows. Honesty is important in all situations because eventually the truth shows and people base how they connect you in their life by your honesty or lies. When we lie, we only set ourselves up because the one whom you lie to will eventually be told the truth and it will hurt twice as much than if they had heard it before. For example, when I was younger, my father always told me my mother left; however, he did not know why. Consequently, I had given the benefit of the doubt to my mother and pictured her as one who left because she was forced to. In effect, once my godmother told me the truth behind why she left, I developed a sort of inner conflict and hurt. As a result, because I was lied to for so long I still carry the hurt from an event so long ago. In summation, due to …show more content…

For example, in the book The Glass Castle, Jeannette Walls is forced into a friendship by her mother with Billy Deel, who was an extremely forceful child, and Jeannette attempts to befriend him due to him being seemingly harmless towards her. Consequently, Jeannette is harassed by Billy Deel because he wanted her to be in a sexual relationship with him;however, she refused to engage him sexually. In effect, Billy Deel begins to spread rumors about Jeannette and, as a final decision to have real news about Jeannette, attempts to rape her. As a result, Jeannette comes to despise Billy Deel for everything he did to her and decides to cut ties with him completely. All in all, due to Billy Deel’s forcefulness and inappropriate actions towards Jeanette, she decides that she rather stop being with him because she uncovered his true deceitful personality instead of his

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