
The Importance Of Women In The Baroque Era

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Humans can be compassionate beings who care for others while at the same time be horrible creatures who seem to lack humanity. Throughout the last 400 years our world has gone through so many changes bringing both progress and destruction. From art movements to war, there have been people and events that forever changed the course of history. People like Copernicus made important discoveries that lead to a scientific revolution and changed the understanding of the universe. On the other hand, World War I left behind chaos, despair, and disillusionment. Every time period has had its own different set of cultural and social norms as well as people expressing their opinions against them causing change. During the Baroque Era women were considered inferior to men and treated like delicate creatures. Women’s only responsibility was to take care of the house and the children. In the painting Kitchen Maid by Jan Vermeer a woman is shown in the kitchen making bread. She is doing her domestic duties just like all women were expected during that time. However, she has an unhappy expression on her face probably as a result of doing the same thing every day. On the contrary, in Judith Slaying Holofernes by Artemisia Gentileschi you can see two strong women taking control and justice into their own hands. In the painting Judith and her maid are beheading Holofernes who invaded Judith’s country. The content of this painting is shocking not only because of what it portrays, but because it

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