
Farmer Saw The Wolf

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English syntax makes it a more analytic as opposed to Japanese where word order is not so important as the affixes of words so reordering of a sentence can still have the same meaning even if they sound funny unlike in English where word order is the de facto method of easy communication (Freeman & Freeman, 2014, p. 194). In Finnegan (2015), the sentence: “The farmer saw the wolf” is used to show how word order can explain why syntax is so important in English; English is an SVO language or a language that predetermines where words go in a sentence for the purpose of clear meaning, SVO stands for Subject-Verb-Object, whereas many languages can be SVO or even VOS or VSO, with the knowledge that S, V, and O always stand for Subject, Verb, and Object (Language: its structure and use, p. 57). Latin in the sentence mentioned in the prior sentence would be able to switch the SVO around to almost any order; Spanish is in the language family of Latin and so “The farmer saw the wolf” can be said as “El granjero vio al lobo”, SVO, or “Al lobo el granjero vio”, OSV, or “Vio al lobo, el granjero”, VOS (Finegan, 2015, p. 57). Furthermore, it is apparent that English syntax, or the study of sentence structures is synonymous with much of the study of English grammar; Syntax in a reductive explanation is the study of sentence structure (Finegan, 2015, p. 178). In chapter 1 of Curzan (2003), theoretically, the evolution of English has eliminated its use of grammatical gender and this has

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