
The Importance Of Writing In Writing

Decent Essays

Writing papers and essays has always been something that I have struggled with. Throughout high school, I did fairly well on essays and research papers, but writing at a college level has proven to be very difficult for me. I feel that I have never been able to succeed in writing in the way that I had hoped and envisioned I would. When I get an essay assignment, it is easy for me to think of what I want to write my paper on. But when it comes down to actually writing the essay, I always struggle with either grammar or getting the main point across to the reader. These two issues have been difficult for me to overcome, no matter how much teaching I get or revising I do. However, throughout the semester I think that the feedback from …show more content…

After going through the process of prewriting and preparing, the next step is composing a rough draft of the essay. For me personally, this is the hardest stage of the writing process and where I tend to spend most of my time with an essay assignment. The transition of thoughts and ideas to words on a paper or screen is a big struggle for me, as it forces me to fit my ideas into constructed and proper sentences as opposed to roaming thoughts. My main focus with the rough draft is simply trying to form flowing sentences that carry my main point and information throughout the paper. Whether it is with the persuasive essays in trying to prove a point throughout several pages or trying to tell a story through the narrative paper, flow and good sentences will keep things smooth and understanding for your reader. Having incomplete sentences or information scattered within other topics in a paper makes it difficult to read the paper or find something important written somewhere in the essay. This is where I begin to struggle in coming up with the right ways to portray my thoughts or pieces of information into words and sentences that flow. A solution for this could be to interpret my essay as a speech to someone that it may help me to see how the sentences may sound allowed and if it properly flows or tells the information right.

With the rough draft complete, the next step to do is to revise through the essay

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