
The Importance of Oxygen when Exercising

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Oxygen is needed to sustain life, and when it comes to exercise, your muscles can't function without it. Oxygen delivery and its uptake by your muscles is essential, because it can effect the quality of your workout. (See References 1) Aerobic exercise doesn't just help you control your weight and make you feel better, it can also improve your cardiovascular and respiratory system, promoting blood flow and delivery of oxygen to your muscle. (See References 2)
What Happens During Aerobics

Aerobics require your body to perform repeated muscle contractions. The only way you can sustain these over a continuous time period without fatigue is through sufficient oxygen consumption. Although they only take up 10 percent of your blood flow when at rest, during exercise your muscles can take up 50 percent. When you engage in aerobic exercise, the movement of your body naturally increases your heart rate, which then pumps your blood faster. Your breathing gets faster and deeper, allowing you to take in more oxygen. Your circulatory system determines areas of your body that need oxygen the most. The small blood vessels in your body, widen and help to deliver this oxygen to your muscles. (See References 3 and 4)
Aerobic Exercise Recommendations

The American College of Sports Medicine recommends doing at least 150 minutes of moderate aerobic exercise, or 75 minutes of vigorous aerobics. This can include exercise, such as jogging, walking, bicycling, jumping rope and climbing stairs.

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