
The Importance of Potassium for the Human Body

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Potassium is a mineral that is needed for the body to function properly. It was first discovered in 1807 by Humphry Davy. It is important for both cellular and electrical function. Potassium is an important electrolyte in the human body. It helps control the amount of water in the human body, and help maintain a healthy pH level. Electrolytes are lost through sweat, so it is important always have a source potassium during or after physical activity. Potassium is also important for the balance of blood pressure. It helps lower your blood pressure, along with sodium. Even though potassium helps lower your blood pressure, there are other things that affect it.
Potassium is really important in for the ability for your skeletal and smooth muscles to contract. It also vital for the health of your heart. Without potassium the heart have irregular heart beats which could be life threatening. That is why people should always maintain an adequate amount of potassium. The Institute of Medicine recommends adults get 4,700 milligrams of potassium per day, while breast-feeding women should increase their potassium intake to 5,100 milligrams per day. The human body excretes excess potassium, so there is no threat of taking too much. However if you don’t absorb enough potassium you could develop irregular heart beats, and possible the cirrhosis of the liver. Potassium is found in many foods, but vegetables will give you the highest source of potassium. Potatoes have the highest amount

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