
The Importance of Stay at Home Moms

Satisfactory Essays

“A mother’s job is the hardest unpaid job out there” this quote could be a quote that a stay at home mother uses when it comes to caring for her children. “I feel like I gave up everything to care for my children don’t get me wrong I love them but I feel like I lost myself” this is another quote that could come from a stay at home mother. The quotes mentioned above could be why Wendy Luhabe believes there should a salary for Mommy’s out there. Wendy Luhabe believes that moms should be given a salary for caring for their children.

The authors of our textbook state that that percentage of mothers who return to work within the year is slightly dropped from 59 percent (in 1998) to 57.3 % in 2006. The authors also state that percentage has remained steady over the years. The book also says that in 2008, 22 percent of women with children under fifteen were considered stay at home mothers. The authors discuss opting out which is defined as a woman leaving the labor force temporarily or permanently to care for her children. The states that 58 percent of women were never out of the job force for more than six months.

Wendy Luhable argument when it comes to moms having a salary is that they should be paid for giving up their careers to take care of their children or as the text calls it opting out. Wendy Luhable states that a mommy salary is way of giving value to the work of bringing up children so that women are not resentful of the choice they make to care for their

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