
Compare And Contrast Stay At Home Mom Vs Working Mom

Decent Essays

Working mom VS Stay-at-home mom
Being a working mom or a stay-at-home mom both has their benefits and drawbacks. Most of us don’t get the luxury to choose. Instead we must choose one or the other. I have had to make these choose several times throughout the eleven years since I became a mom. I will share with you some examples of the benefits and drawbacks that go with both being a working mom or a stay-at-home mom.
The benefits of me being a working mom, it’s was satisfying to know that my children loved me and my boss happy with me. Even though I cherished my family, I started to appreciate that the world didn’t revolve around them. Career-wise I was able to stay in the loop, stay connected with what was going on in the world. Also found satisfaction being able to get intellectual stimulation from co-workers and work projects. Even though I love my kids to bits, they can’t understand the stresses of the world. My children never understood that me working benefits us with a second income coming in, but they get to enjoy the perks of it. I found that my children learned and developed earlier and faster than being at home with me. With both my husband and I working, I found it was easier to stay in sync. He understood how hard I worked all day. He never believed that I should be the only one on kids duty after a hard day of work. When I was on the home front he never took me for granted. It took less effort to keep the spark a live in our marriage.

The benefits of being a stay-at-home mom, I got to be home all the time with my wonderful kids. I felt like I knew them better then anyone else. I never missed any of the milestones in their lives. My children love having me on mom duty 24-7, were I could help them with anything or just give them lots of hugs and kisses. I think that the kids benefit from having only me to discipline and instructing them. I always liked knowing they were happy and comforted by having me there. When the kids were sick, my husband and I never butt-heads about who was going to miss work, cause it was my job to hold down the fort. While running errands with a three year old is not easy, I knew that when my husband got home both of our work days were done.
The drawbacks of being a

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