
The Influence Of Emotional Quotient ( Eq ) Towards Novice Teachers ' Work Stress And Organizational Commitment

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Literature review showed that 33% novice teachers tend to leave the teachers’ profession at a very early stage of their employment. Morevover, local studies only focused on the effectiveness of the Post Graduate Teaching Program in terms of the teachers’ quality and readiness in the classroom. Issues such as EQ, work stress and organizational commitment among novice teachers are not being studied although it is proven that these issues impacted them highly. Thus, this study aimed to examine the influence of EQ on stress and organizational commitment among novice teachers in the northern part of Malaysia. 3 study …show more content…

These teachers are capable and skilled in teaching their niche areas, able to manage co-curriculum vested upon them and follow teaching profession ethics (Teacher Training Division, 2007). Consequently, these teachers strive to become more creative, innovative, pro-active and able to create a difference that would benefit the students (Alimudin, 2010).

1.2Problem Statement
The strong relationship between human capital development and teachers’ role has been the core in the MOE’s effort to increase the quality and produce dedicated teachers with the heart to educate. This is because quality teachers can raise the quality of education to world standards(Malaysian Teacher Training Institute Strategic Plan 2011-2015 (2011).Hence, to achieve this aim, teachers need to equip themselves with knowledge,show sincerity and high commitment in implementing the responsibility to improve the quality of students that will be generated(Tajulashikin, Fazura& Mohd Burhan, 2013).

This action is deemed necessary to ensure that only qualified teachers will serve in schools.
However, the credibility and ability of the novice teachers are always questioned. They are said to be emotionally weak, passive, no commitment, failed to stimulate student learningand are unable to adapt the knowledge and skills in the classroom effectively(Yusof, 2008).The problem has

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