
The Influence Of Geography In Ancient Greece

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When examining the effect that geography had on the civilizations of the early cities you can see that many were founded for strategic purposes. The settlers had to choose the land that would make life easiest as well as give them the best chance of developing a flourishing community. The choice was generally out of need, the need for water, food and shelter. When early leaders chose a place that was full of the necessities and provided smart options to grow a stronghold the communities would gain power and amass an empire to rival others. The civilizations of Ancient Rome and Ancient Greece were such empires, they used their geographical locations and features to grow the cities, expand their empires, and trade goods making them both powerful …show more content…

Many men influenced and helped shape the great empire by strategically changing and adapting its body as more advancement were made, as more lands were conquered and as more outside influences from neighboring cities were discovered. Two such leaders of Ancient Greece were Alexander the Great and Pericles. Pericles, though he was a great general and lead his country well he was a different kind of leader then Alexander the Great was. Pericles was a scholar and he promoted literature and philosophy throughout Athens. The capital city grew as the center of all the intellectual inspiration, the center for art and education and as the land of democracy. Pericles saw the expansion of the mind occur in Greece. He saw the addition of great medical thinkers like Hippocrates. He saw the expansion of the written play and he saw the humanities explode leaving the world with many great works of art still revered today. One great work that Pericles instituted was the public works job system offering jobs and allowing lower classed citizen’s access to government offices. Pericles lead well but fell into critic for his shyness, often choosing to stay out of the spotlight. Pericles fell victim to the plague and Athens suffered greatly for many years afterward. The country never really got back on track after such a tragedy. The country was defeated by the Spartans and the city of Athens fell to ruin. No other leader was regarded as effective opting to be popular instead ultimately affecting the political and social structure for the worse and plunging Athens and Greece into a sort of darkness for over 30 years. The wars between Sparta and Athens lasted 27 years, changing the thinking of its people, forcing the government from a peace seeking country to a waring state. This change is what brought forth Alexander the Great and why he was a great leader. Alexander the Great was a considered the best military

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