
The Influence Of Homosexualism In Art

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In the early 1900s, feminine and gay stereotyped artists were not looked upon in the greatest of lights. Critics believed that female artists were going against traditional gender spheres by stepping out of the domestic role. Homosexuality art, since many attributed it to feminine tendencies in males, was lesser than the typical male produced art; individuals thought there should be a remedy for those who identified as homosexual, in specific. Artists like Georgia O’Keeffe and Charles Demuth attempted to combat critics and the public’s dislike by hinting at femininity and homosexuality in their artworks. For the vast majority of history, critics saw males as the only ones capable of developing high art. Females could only take care of the house and children as well as remain passive and objects of beauty. As the early twentieth century hit, females began to gain power in the artistic world and escape the traditional domestic lifestyle, which angered male artists. This left male artists to downplay female artworks as not being a form of high art. Similarly, critics saw gay stereotyped artists as the male counterpart to females. Their art was on the same level as that produced by females. Many began to say that homosexuality was an aspect of a male that needed fixing; it was something that was wrong with them. These struggles for female and gay stereotyped artists to be ‘high’ artists plagued the lives of Georgia O’Keeffe and Charles Demuth. Georgia O’Keeffe’s husband,

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