
The Influence Of Sexual Content In The Media

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Todays media can be quite suggestive to the younger audience, as the social learning theory suggests we as humans learn by observing others. There is a growing concern within the adolescent community’s exposure to sexual, and violent content through television and through other electronic media. Researchers state, there is a growth in the sexual talk and portrayals of sexual, and violent behavior amongst this community. The viewing of this lucrative conduct has left a lasting impression on them, causing social and behavioral stunts in their growth into adulthood.
The social learning theory was created by Albert Bandura in 1977, this was discovered and paired with his Bobo doll experiment. In his study, he had a group of 72 boys and girls, they viewed a short video which had an adult figure violently attacking a doll. They then were observed after viewing the film. The …show more content…

An adolescent may be exposed to sexual content during a crucial development stage in their life. Research experts Gruber and Grube have found “on average, teenaged viewers see 143 incidents of sexual behavior on network television at prime time each week”. (Gruber) The consequences of viewing this behavior are causing serious problems within the adolescent community. Its reported that with the increased viewing of sexual behavior in the media, has started to create an unhealthy climb in sexual intercourse, unexpected pregnancies, and higher risk for sexually transmitted diseases (STD). With the exposure to this content, it creates a developmental cognitive change within the adolescent. This means that they could skew how they critically analyze messages, and how the interpret social cues in an everyday life. It becomes increasingly difficult to shield the adolescent community from this conduct in this day in age, and it becomes crucial to teach adolescents to be critical consumers of the

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