Pantheon located in Rome, Italy is the most well conserved architectural structure of the Roman period. Pantheon, initially a roman sanctuary worked to committed to every one of the divine beings, however in 609AD., it was transformed into a congregation and stays as it. Initially worked by Agrippa around 27BC under Augustus' lead however it was caught fire during 80D, under Emperor Domitian's care then build it again, yet was struck by lightning and burned down again in 110AD. The present Pantheon was worked in 120AD and finished by Emperor Hadrian alongside Apollodorus of Damascus. (Hannah and Magli 2011) Since the Renaissance, the Pantheon has been a site for several important burials. The Pantheon that we can visit today is composed of …show more content…
(Cline 2016) Architects around the world has been studying it and attempt to infuse the strong elements or principles of design into their own works eventually common elements from the Pantheon can be found in various places, like chapel, libraries or even museum. The Rotunda (University of Virginia) build by Thomas Jefferson. The Rotunda was deeply influenced by the Pantheon in Rome and it is to symbolize "authority of nature and power of reason". The ideas of building Rotunda uses the same idea of building Pantheon. It is clearly seen that the materials use is very different. Pantheon is constructed by reinforced concrete while Rotunda gives a neat and clean finish of the overall building by using wood and brick. Moving to the interior, it uses a different approach while it is designed. Pantheon is an enclosed big place where the only light source enter is from the eye while Rotunda is built as an mulit-story architecture that the light source comes from the windows was in-built around the dome. Other examples are like San Antonio, Trieste, build by Pietro Nobile; Church of the Great Mother of God, Turin, build by Ferdinando Bonsignore; Church of San Francesco di Paolo, Naples, build by Pietro Bianchi. The similarities among these architecture is all was deeply influenced by Pantheon and have a similar architecture building,
Many similar characteristics are used throughout the Classical and Early Empire when the construction of temples was being built. Though old techniques were used, the advancement of new methods were being introduced to build faster, stronger, and in different shapes and sizes. We will discuss the Parthenon and the Pantheon; though similar in name, they do have some differences that represent the Greek and Roman styles.
The first and second pantheons were burnt down and the current one has lasted till current day. The whole building stands at a high of 7 m not including the 1.3-meter high base. The base is made out of steps made out of Numidia yellow marble, which shows Rome’s wealth that they could to import such an expensive resource and put it one, the floor. The Pantheon is made up of 2 rooms, the porch and the rotunda that is the main body of the structure. The porch follows a very classical geek style where as the rotunda is more reminiscent of the roman public bathhouses. The rotunda is made of brick and the roman concrete that was then faced with white marble stucco to match the porch in appearance. The dome roof covering the rotunda is also made of roman concrete and then covered with bronze sheets that were removed in 663 CE by Constans 2nd. The Bronze roofing showed the importance of this building since all other buildings in Rome had roofs made of tiles. The measures 33 by 13.6 m and presents the building with a colonnade of 8 Corinthian columns that tower 11.8 m high. The column shafts are made of grey granite and with the pediments and capitals made of white marble. This really shows how Rome cannot only get such rich resources but can also the reach Rome has to get all the different types of stone for this construction. The porch has a faced of Pentalic marble and is decorated with religious
This paper will compare the architecture, history, art theme, religion and the location behind the two buildings: The Pantheon, and San Vitale. Overview: The Pantheon was built in Rome, Italy during the reign of Augustus (27 BCE - 14 CE). It is a religious building dedicated to all gods, which is the meaning of its name.
The Pantheon deduces its name from Greek word meaning “All the gods of a religion”. The Pantheon was originally constructed as a famous temple in Rome which was devoted to all the gods of Ancient Rome. It is the best preserved building from Ancient Rome and was completed by 125 CE. Its magnificent dome is a living testimony to the genius of the Roman architects and as the building still remain undamaged, it offers a unique chance for the modern boulevardier to step back 2000 years and experience the glory that was Rome.
Rome’s Pantheon – one of the greatest spiritual buildings in the world. The temple is devoted to the gods of ancient Rome. The name “Pantheon” derives from Greek and actually means “Every God”. The temple is one of the best preserved of all ancient Roman buildings and it has been in almost continuous use throughout its history. The Pantheon was built by Marcus Agrippa in year 27
Pantheon and Hagia Sophia Pantheon and Hagia Sophia are two extremely outstanding architectural pieces of their times. They have been built according to the traditions of those particular times. The materials used to built these buildings and the purpose for which they were used are all very important aspects and have been briefly covered in this report. Pantheon The statesman Agrippa built pantheon in 27 B.C. Then it was completely rebuilt by the emperor Hadrian. The Pantheon is remarkable for its size, its construction, and its design. The dome was the largest built until modern times. The present structure was probably originally built as a temple for all the pagan gods. We do hear of it as being a law-court and a reception area for
Interior of the Pantheon, Rome (1734) is a remarkable painting by Giovanni Paolo Panini who is best known for his prospects on Rome in which he focussed on the city's famous sites. His works largely have a fancy and unreal adornment feature of capriccio themes. The Pantheon is a former Roman temple which is now a church in Rome. It is one of the best preserved Ancient Roman Buildings which is also popular for the geometric wonder that it is. It demonstrates the theory of 2:3 correlation between the volume of a cylinder and a sphere.
Architecture comes with many significant meanings, including religious significance. The Pantheon, built from 118 to 125 CE in Rome, Italy, was a temple made to worship the Roman gods and goddesses. This temple is one of the most important buildings both in history and architecture, influencing many other monuments with its form, such as The Dome of the Rock. The Dome of the Rock, built from 687 to 692 CE, was the first great Islamic building. Located in Jerusalem, it is a shrine still very significant to many religions, such as Judaism and Christianity, today. Though not resembling each other in appearance, these buildings are extremely similar, in terms of religious meaning. The Pantheon and the Dome of the Rock, through their own distinctive form and similar location backgrounds, illuminate religion as the most important factor in each society, as these monuments symbolize a sense of unification throughout the city.
Arguably, one of the most influential structures of Rome was the Pantheon because of its immense size, and the use of concrete for the massive dome. This structure was named the Pantheon most likely because Pliny the elder, a spectator during the time of Vespasian 's rule saw this and referred to it as the “Pantheum”. Although the version of the Pantheon that Pliny the elder saw is not the Pantheon currently in Rome, there are many accounts of what it looked like, and why it was built. Agrippa’s Pantheon, the version that Pliny witnessed, or the original pantheon was built during the Pax Romana. This was a time of peace for the Romans, and to lead them in their endeavors was Emperor Augustus. During this time culture flourished because of there was no need to worry about necessities. From 31 BCE to 14CE the Pantheon was constructed to honor the Julian clan. The result of this was a south-facing rectangular building, with the Thermae of Agrippa, or the Roman public baths to the south. This temple was decastyle, meaning that is had 10 columns on each side. Pliny also mentioned that Diogenes of Athens was commissioned by Agrippa to create the caryatid columns. Caryatid columns are much like sculptures, in that they depict a person, but this person is standing in order to form a column to support another structure. To much dismay this temple was destroyed in the
While the Hagia Sophia and the Pantheon were built in and represent two different time periods and locations, they have some similar structural features as well as some resembling circumstances surrounding their prospective histories. Both of their unique construction is related to their different purposes and the symbolism behind the buildings. The Pantheon represents a time in which the Roman empire was booming with trade and commerce. There was a growing interest in art and sculpture as well as religion. There was also an emphasis on imperialism and the strength and power of the emperor. The transition from the Roman to the Byzantine empire took place under the emperor, Constantine and it happened around 330 C.E. He moved the capital from Rome to Byzantion and renamed the city Constantinople meaning the city of Constantine, which is modern day Istanbul. This was also a huge intersection in the east-west trade. He then changed the official religion of the empire to Christianity which created a major shift in structures, works of art, and lifestyle dynamics. The emperor was now seen as the head of the church, and in 391 C.E. all temples and forms of the pagan cult that dominated the Roman Empire were closed and banned.
Pantheon is a masterpiece of Roman architecture; it was a unique building that combined two different styles. Michelangelo praised it as an angel design. It becomes the object of learning of Italian architects during Renaissance. Besides, many famous artists such as Raphael were buried here, but also the kings like Vittorio Emanuele II and Umberto I.
The Pantheon is a former Roman temple, completed in 126 AD. Currently a state property, it is now a Roman Catholic Church. As one of Rome’s most well preserved ancient buildings, it has had continuous use through the ages. This is likely due to the fact that it was converted from a temple to a church early on, saving it from sacking and destruction. At its’ inception, it is believed to have been a temple to numerous Roman deities. (“Pantheon, n.d.) The name pantheon refers to a temple dedicated to all the gods. (Merriam Webster, n.d.) The building is made up of a portico, or porch, and a rectangular vestibule that connects the porch to a rotunda. The rotunda features an oculus that provides light as well as ventilation. During rain and storms, any water entering the uncovered oculus runs off into built-in drains still functioning from their original construction. The dome’s inner design is comprised of intersecting arches and coffers. Likely symbolic, these were built in multiples of eight,
The most obvious similarity would be that of the protruding domes the two buildings possess. While they do have similar shape, they are constructed differently according to the style of the area. The Pantheon, for example, consists of stone and concrete, as opposed to the Dome of the Rock, which consists of a gilded wooden dome. With a central diameter of 142 feet, the Pantheon is actually the world’s largest unsupported dome. The romans had to design it with certain weight releases, such as the numerous coffers and the central oculus, in order to keep the dome from collapsing on itself. Because of its shape, most of the weight is pushed down and around the circumference of the dome. To keep it supported, thick concrete walls inside of the
Agrippa, Augustus’ right-hand man, constructed this building as a temple to all the gods; however, a fire destroyed this temple in 80 CE and so Domitian built the reconstruction. The Pantheon we are familiar with has a significantly different design than the original one, and this is why this specific temple is so dislike to the rest of the Roman temples. Before it was burnt, the Pantheon stood in a podium at the end of a large rectangular court. The surroundings of this temple have changed in order to provide a unique experience to its visitors. For example, the temple has en enormous dome with a 27-foot oculus that opens to the sky. This oculus lets a shaft of light come through creating an emphasis wherever the reflection is. Visitors were driven nowhere but to the light at the center of the dome. This building was built for greeting foreign embassies, adjudicating disputes and hold court (Janson). Moreover, the Pantheon is extraordinary because of the potential and strength of concrete. Some other materials used in the process of building the temple include travertine, tufa, brick, and pumice. These materials varied in order to reduce its weight. The colored marble on the wall symbolized imperial authority. The sphere is though to symbolize eternity and perfection and the bronze panels symbolized a starry night sky.
Greek and Roman architecture is truly amazing. They each had great ideas, and fabulous productions. It is said that the Pantheon is to Italy what the Parthenon is to Greece. Both are tremendous monuments that reek of culture and history. Each had a purpose which was displayed by the design and construction of each. There are such great meanings behind each of these architecural structures. The Romans and the Greeks alike worshipped and dedicated their structures and designs to the Gods and Goddess they believed in.