
The Influence of Agriculture Educator Essay examples

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Agriculture Educator In May of 2010 a group of students dressed in blue corduroy jackets came to Athens Christian School to visit during a chapel service. Georgia FFA state officers, Cain and Filipe, spoke about the endless possibilities one could enjoy while in an organization called FFA. These state officers spoke with confidence and excitement as they talked about agriculture playing a vital role in the lives of students. One major concept they spoke about was how in order to be in FFA one has to be enrolled in an agriculture education course. The following year Athens Christian School had a new agriculture education program with Mrs. Sara Hughes teaching the middle school and high school classes. She is still a current asset in this …show more content…

Education degrees are not hard to find, but the best idea is to narrow one’s degree and classes specifically to what one will be teaching especially if one is planning to teach agriculture. Mrs. Hughes states, “I believe most colleges have a good variety of courses to prepare you as a teacher. Never underestimate the education classes, because at the end of the day our job is to TEACH” (Hughes 2). This is very unique insight into teaching today, and can prove effective for anyone looking to be an agriculture educator. Because education is an important process, all states require a four-year Bachelor’s degree in order to teach (Payne 2).
After all the requirements have been met, one needs to look at the good and the bad of teaching. To start teaching is always going to have a different approach depending on who one may ask. In an interview with Mrs. Sara Hughes, she states, “The disadvantages of being an Ag teacher would be time management. It is difficult to work out times to practice when multiple events are going on. Also, even though I enjoy the travel, it is more work to be gone than it is to be here, and can sometimes put a strain on the ones left behind (at home and at school). You would need a very supportive spouse/family/school administration to be an Ag teacher” (Hughes 2). Mrs. Hughes stated that she does travel frequently this is because of all extra-curricular hours she puts

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