
Essay on The Influence of Aristotle

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Aristotle is considered by many to be The Fountainhead of modern scientific thinking. The forces that influenced Aristotle, is perhaps better understood on a historic basis has been laid. The Greek thinkers around 600 BC, began to interrupt the world around them as governed by anything other than his many personifications of gods and they took in a naturalistic way of thinking, which in turn was to the early science. This may have been sparked by their enthusiasm for travel abroad, which may have made them skeptical of their traditions.2
Thales (ca. 640-546 BC) of Miletus is regarded to have been the founder of natural philosophy, and believed that all things come from water, and that the Earth floats on water. From the time of Thales on, …show more content…

This principle can be taken a step further, to explain the biology, to say that the organs of the body work together to keep the organism as a whole.5 Further, Aristotle believed that human biology can not be understood except through surveys of similar creatures6
Biological principles were heavily influenced by Aristotle. William Harvey, the founder of modern physiology was strongly influenced by Aristotle and "... founded much of his work on the Aristotelian assumption that the shape, structure and size of each organ in the body the animal indicated its purpose and function of the entire system. "7 The idea of spontaneous generation was a commonly held belief, with roots back to Aristotle8 and was not disproved until experiments were conducted by Louis Pasteur.9
Aristotle influenced Sigmund Freud, and while he studied at the university he studied Aristotle in three years and later added a course on Aristotle's logic. Aristotle believed that the human mind given us a picture of the outside world, and that truth is in our eyes. Moreover, our first instance of science experience and that happiness is found through reflection. Aristotle's view of organization, the higher levels include the lower levels is a way to begin to understand some of Sigmund Freud's theories, such as libido theory and the supremacy of the genitals. Freud, as Aristotle might have matter and form. "Early

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