
The Influencs of Mexican Drug Cartels on Every Day Life in Mexico

Decent Essays

EQ: How have Mexican cartels changed life for the everyday person in Mexico and what can the government do to stop their influence for future generations?

The Mexican drug war has been going on for many decades now affecting many generations. Drug trafficking has gain more power by its sinister leaders that maintain power at all cost. This affects how mexico is perceived in the United States and rest of the world. The drug cartels have been taking advantage of Mexicans poor education rates to persuade young Mexican males to joying their cartel in order to keep power. As longs the main leader aren't capture the cartels are going to keep on controlling Mexico. The Mexican drug war has been going on for about two decades creating such a prosperous business for its leader and main partnerships. This has created a society in which people live in fear and consternation since the cartels have started a fight to be the most powerful and dominating cartel in Mexico. The Mexican government priority shouldn't be a reform on its education programs to try preventing its youth to fall on hands of the deadly cartels.

Drug trafficking has been going on in Mexico for a long time caused by economic instability among Mexican population but it has also been sparked by its neighbor country laws and prohibitions. The United States prohibition on alcohol of the 1920’s that eliminated the consumption of alcohol to prevent crimes and alcoholism. The United states created the unpopular

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