
The Inquest Short Story

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However, his attention had been drawn to the remarkable way the machines were being flown, observing them keeping together and going over and under each other several times, separating and meeting up again. He watched as the machine that had been higher suddenly dived down while the other appeared to shoot upwards. The looked as though they were flying directly towards each other at a height of about 500ft. He thought that they were going to do a double loop the loop but to his astonishment they met with a crash and dropped to the earth, one tail first, the other upside down. Initially too horrified to move, the witness sprinted to the golf green behind Government House where he found the machines reduced to a heap of splinters and saw one officer staggering to his feet, having just freed himself …show more content…

Hugh Foster. Major J. F. A. Higgins, Commanding No. 5 Squadron, was the first witness to give evidence. The Major, sporting a monocular, informed the court that both Captain Anderson and Second Lieutenant Wilson were both good pilots and that the machines they were flying were the ordinary Sopwith type and were practically new. He concluded his evidence by stating that, prior to this incident, he had flown both machines without any issues. When asked about Ernest’s flying experience with the Sopwith, he informed the court that although Ernest had flown similar tractor biplanes for several months, this was his first flight in a Sopwith machine. Major Higgins further stated that although the Sopwith machines had been in the squadron for some time, they had not been used much because slight structural alterations were being made; so, slight, that in the case of the machine flown by Ernest, the alteration required involved only the addition of a

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