
The Internet And The Internet

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As many people should be aware of, the library, was used to read books, to help you with whatever you needed to learn or to be researched. At the library, majority of the people would have to spend money to buy books just to use them as a research tool. Libraries now are new and improved, now we have computers, laptops, printers and any other devices used in there. Parents should allow their kids to have access the internet because it allows kids to be more sociable, gives them a head start on learning, and the internet gives kids the ability to learn easier and faster. The Internet is an electronic way of communicating, socializing and also can also be used as a research tool. With the internet, you have tools like emails, chat services, video streaming or facetiming and more importantly, social networking apps like Facebook, which is used to search people like and comment on statuses and upload pictures. Twitter, used to share quotes, pictures or videos that someone has posted. Snapchat, is used to upload pictures and videos and screenshot other people's media and so on. Using social media is a way to possibly a way to catch up with old friends from the past or to make news ones. Some people might say that the internet affects the ability for children to learn (VKool 2009-2017). The use of the internet might cause children to abandon their families because they might want to be on the computer rather than wanting to spend time with family. Also thinking

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