
The Internet Has Seen The World More Connected Than Ever Before

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The internet has seen the world more connected than ever before. According to a 2015 report by We Are Social, out of the current human population of 7.21 billion, 3.01 billion are connected to the internet. Another key point is that the current active social media accounts have a penetration of 29 percent, with, notably, 1.685 billion active mobile social accounts (Kemp, 2015). Nearly more than a half a decade ago, it was the first time the number of items connected to the internet outmatched the human population. Statistics revealed that in 2015, 25 billion devices will be connected to the internet, a number expected to rise to 50 billion by 2020 (FTC Staff Report, 2015). Surprisingly, in 2020, the U.S. is expecting to have 26 billion connected devices (Truste, 2014), encompassing more than a half the global users. The trend of this technology is not heading to a halt any time soon and has, under these circumstances, been associated with numerous health benefits and challenges for users. While people with internet devices can now better monitor their health through mobile apps that track everything from their medical history to their food intake, there is still cause for concern that internet devices possess the potential to cause mental health problems such as increasing stress levels and negative effects on emotions as well as effects on physical health such as increasing threats to the immune system and chronic pain.
Internet devices such as computer and cell phones have

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