
The Invention Of Martin Cooper And The Handheld Mobile Phone

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Martin Cooper and the Handheld Mobile Phone Martin Cooper did not know that his invention of the first handheld mobile phone would become a huge success and change the world. Cooper invented the mobile phone in 1973, the DynaTAC 8000x, he is the reason people today could make phone calls outside of their homes. He was born on December 28, 1928. He graduated in the institute of technology in Illinois of the year 1957. Cooper worked for Motorola in 1954. When Martin Cooper invented the handheld mobile cell phone, he was conflicted with wanting everyone to own one by proving to people that his invention would change the world. By doing so he would have to make something different that would be a huge success, defeat the company he was competing against, and changing the way people communicate today. Martin Cooper wanted to create something different that would then become a huge success. Cooper got the idea of creating this invention when he came across an episode of Star Trek. Captain Kirk, which is one of the main characters from Star Trek: The Original Series, had a twenty-third century piece of technology. “Who could forget Captain Kirk's fashionable gold cell phone? Not surprisingly, Cooper was highly influenced by Star Trek.” (Tran). Cooper saw that Captain Kirk was using the small device to communicate with others, which surprised Cooper and was later inspired to create the cell phone. Another reason is that people were stuck at home, a car, or office just to use the

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