
The Issue Of Gun Violence

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Gun violence has run rampant in America. Due to this many Americans have this issue at the forefront of their minds. Everybody seems to think that they have the solution to this problem. The reality here is that the violence lies not in the gun, but in whomever carries out the act of using the gun in a violent manner. Many people fail to see this though, and think by removing guns completely from society the violence will cease. The people who take this side, are tired of innocent people being killed, and feel that gun laws should be passed so that common people are not easily able to obtain guns. The opposing side believes that by taking the public’s guns away all you do is put these individuals in even more danger. I personally agree with this side of the argument, due to the fact that Americans have a constitutional right to bear arms, and I believe that Americans should not be left defenseless. The safety of Americans is what should be at the forefront, and by passing gun control laws this only puts citizens in harm’s way, therefore Americans need to stand up in opposition of these gun control laws. The issue here is the proposition of gun control laws. The ones proposing these laws believe that by disarming citizens violence will decrease. These laws would completely change how some people live. If the guns from citizens were taken they wouldn’t be able to use guns to provide food, or to defend against possible attackers. Although many people think taking guns from

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