
The Issue Of Same Sex Parenting

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Paper Same-Sex Parenting Homosexuality has been a sensitive subject in this society for generations; it has been repelled against and condemned because it is considered to be sin-natured to certain traditions and religions. In the past several years, gay rights have been a controversial topic in many areas of the public and court rooms. More recently, the debate about gays having the right or ability to parent has become an increasingly popular topic, especially with same-sex marriage being legalized. There are typically two ways of thinking about gay parenting: it’s wrong and shouldn’t be accepted or that it’s perfectly sane and should be accepted. While the people who are against same-sex parenting would argue that kids rose by gay parents are more at risk for mental disorders, social, sexual and gender development, depression and other negative effects, studies have shown that this is simply not true. In fact, a number of studies and articles have indicated that there is no negative effect or difference in outcomes between children that are raised by same-sex parents than children raised by heterosexual parents. BACKGROUND According to the U.S. Census Bureau, there were approximately 594,000 reported same-sex couple households living in the United States in 2010. Out of the 594,000 same-sex couple households, 115,000 reported having children. Eighty-four percent of these households contained own children of the householder. In comparison, 94 percent of opposite-sex

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