
The Italian American Assassination Speech

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Italian army occupy the southeast of France. The Italian authorities refused the requests from the Nazi army to arrest the French Jews. The result was that in 1942 and until September 1943, large number French Jews found refuge East of the Rhone River in the area occupied by the Italians, which constitute French territory. The Nazi army forces occupied the Italian area in September 1943 and began to execute the Final solution supported by the French Militia. On May 29th, 1942, the military occupation authorities passed an Ordinance that forced the Jews in the controlled zone, over six years of age, to wear the yellow color star, from June 7th under penalty of imprisonment if they didn't. It must be sewn on the left side of, coats or jackets …show more content…

Among the important Jewish communities in Europe was France, who managed to save the greatest number of Jew's children: 84%. This was due spirited the spirited sympathy of the non-Jewish population to support the efforts of families and Jews organizations that tried to save the children. At the ceremony of the 53rd anniversary of the Raffle du velodrome d'hiver, July 16, 1995, the president of the Republic, Jacques Chirac, in his speech acknowledged in an official and solemn way the crimes of the French State during the Nazi occupation of France and spoke in these terms. ... "There nation's life moments that wound the memory and the idea that one made of what is your country." These moments are strenuous to evoke because we know that not always found the right words to remember the horror and sadness of those who lived through the tragedy, those in his soul and his flesh marked by memories from those days of tears and embarrassment (SHAME). “It is hard to mention, also, because those dark hours dirty forever our history, and they're, an insult to our past and our

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