
The Kano Model For Customer Satisfaction

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One of the most used models for customer satisfaction is the Kano model, which has a high performance and sufficiency in most businesses. Japanese Noriaki Kano a well-known global quality theorist believes that there is a strong relationship between "quality" and "customer satisfaction." From Kano's perspective, today quality enumerates an integral part of any business. It is one of the key factors in global competition, and because of the growing global competition, the ability to supply customer needs is not only possible through current products, but also by producing innovative products and approaches to meeting his expectations, and this will depend on the exact perception of his various needs and desires. In this regard, he thinks that …show more content…

This table shows whether the regression model can significantly (and appropriately) predict the dependent variable changes. For a meaningful review, we look at the last column of the table (sig). This statistically meaningful column shows the regression model that if the obtained value is less than 0.05, then we conclude that the model used is a good predictor of the satisfaction variable. The significance level in our research is less than 0.05, which indicates that the regression model is meaningful. The SPSS software provides several tables for analysis. In this discussion, we will focus on the most important of these tables. The first Model Summary table is a summary of the model. This table shows the values of R and R Square. The value of R equal to 0.795, indicating a simple correlation between the two variables, that is, the intensity of the correlation between the two variables. As shown by the value of R (Pearson correlation between two variables), between the two independent and dependent variables the correlation is very strong. The value of R square indicates how much of the dependent variable can be explained by an independent variable. In this research, the quality of electronic services can explain 63.2% of customer satisfaction changes, which is actually a remarkable

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