
The Legend Of Assyriania Research Paper

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In the city- state of Babylon the people had be ruling the land for years and the surrounding cities have started to plan against the great city of Babylon. One city in particular had be waiting for the time to attack and gain control of the fertile crescent, that city was Assyria. The ruler of Babylon Shamash-mudammiq had fallen ill and the strength of the city had weaken. This was the chance that Assyria had been cranking for to take down Babylon. The one issue that came up was that the Babylonians main god was the god of war and strength. The idol that enabled the Babylonians to speak to the gods and receive aid from it was at the top of their ziggurat. The only way that the Assyrians believed that they could defeat Babylon was to steal the idol and use it themselves to defeat Babylon. The people of Babylon didn't know what hit them, one day they were fine and they had their idol and when they woke up it was …show more content…

Once he got into the city walls that is when discovered that is how the bandit of their idol had gotten in to the city of Babylon. Like he just did in the city of Assyria, when Artatama was safely inside he started his search for his cities beloved idol. The only thing that he didn't know was that he was being watched by the city of Assyria they knew that he was there. When Artatama discovered where the city was hiding the idol he was quick to act and did not prepare himself for what would be in the room. When Artatama walked in to the room that is when he figured out it was a trap when the Assyrian warriors captured him before he could retrieve the idol. The people of Assyria believed that he would make a perfect sacrifice to their new idol. The brave soul of a warrior that lost his life for the idol would make the war god very happy the Assyrians believed. That is how the brave man Artatama ended. Because the idol was never returned to Babylon they lost the battle to

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