
The Lgbt Population Throughout My Exploration

Decent Essays

While most of this research was not new to me, I learned quite a bit about the LGBT population throughout my exploration. I think that this research expanded my awareness in that it increased my understanding of individuals who may be struggling with their LGBT identification. I, at first, was not aware that sexual orientation and gender identification were formed at such a young age. I was aware that most individuals become aware of gender at the ages of three and four, but had not previously considered the trauma of not understanding one’s gender when everyone else was adjusting to their own gender as they grew. I learned that attractions begin developing between the ages of seven and ten and that individuals begin …show more content…

As mentioned above, I learned about the process of why individuals may form an inherent distrust for their support system and environment. In learning this, I became more aware of the increased risks may represent for LGBT individuals who experience even slightly unaccepting attitudes in their support systems. These risks (increased substance use, risk of HIV/AIDS, suicide, self-harming behaviors, and mental health issues) present a certain danger, especially to individuals who have recently “come out” and are struggling to accept their orientation and/or identification. In the counseling process, these struggles may lead to an inability to form a positive therapeutic relationship if the counselor is not aware of their sexual orientation, heterosexism, and knowledge of the dialogue that involves the LGBT population. This lesson has made me more aware that my presentation of heterosexism- and my orientation as bisexual- may be a barrier in creating a positive relationship with LGBT individuals; this insight has made me more self-aware, in a way, to interactions that may occur with clients that I previously would have practiced ignorance to. Although I have discussed them overall, learning more about the oppression and denials that the LGBT population (and those individuals lumped in under that umbrella) has experienced has made me more aware about the injustices they have fought and endured. In becoming more knowledgeable about the denial of equal rights and

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